What is Run Talk Run?
Run Talk Run exists to make both running and mental health support less intimidating, and more accessible.
So many of us suffer some kind of 'imposter syndrome' when it comes to our mental health, which can make it tricky to seek support. You might have a feeling that you need somewhere to talk, but you don’t necessarily want to go to a GP or a therapist.
We think that peer support and community can help, and running does a rather lovely job
at facilitating those conversations for us. There are so many reasons why running makes it
easier to open up.
Run Talk Run is a weekly 5km gentle jog. Before every run there is a window of time to
meet the other runners and say hello to the run leader (for Ilkeston that's me). It's alright if you're a little anxious and quiet - we all 'get it' at Run Talk Run.
The leader then explains the logistics of the route (reminding the group that the run is
gentle and that there is no pressure to "keep up"), and that at the forefront of our runs is
support... this really is a safe space to talk about how you're really doing.
Why have I joined in with Run Talk Run?
It was too good an opportunity to miss really. The chance to give you lot a nice gentle 5km with the space to chat and hopefully help you relax/sweat/make friends/de-stress/talk and everything else exercise and a good natter helps with. Now get the mycrew app installed, set your location as Ilkeston and commit to join me for a Run Talk Run session.