It's time to raise a bit of money for 5 charities and make the upcoming World Cup a bit more interesting. There are 32 places available, once all are sold I will reveal who has which team. It's £2.50 entry with the Winner getting £25 and Runner Up £15. The remaining £40 will be split equality between the 5 Charities Training Rewarded supports -
- Alzheimer's Society
- Cancer Research UK
- Mind
- Miscarriage Association
- Treetops Hospice
All you need to do if pick your space and bring your £2.50 cash to your next session in the gym.
If you've got any questions let me know.
15 spaces left in the competition, they need to be filled by Friday 18th November so I can make the draw. If you would like a second team in the competition let me know and I will put your name on a second space.